Sunday, November 24, 2019
Economics Impact For Tourism Tourism Essays
Economics Impact For Tourism Tourism Essays Economics Impact For Tourism Tourism Essay Economics Impact For Tourism Tourism Essay The theoretical survey was conducted to depict the theoretical facets with a focal point on facets of comparing the boundary line town and the tourisms part to the province economic system and the state. For that, the location of the selected instance survey is the Rantau Panjang ( Majlis Daerah Pasir Mas ) , Pengakalan Kubur ( Majlis Daerah Tumpat ) and Bukit Bunga ( Majlis Daerah Tanah Merah ) . Third three boundary line metropoliss such as stated in the National Urbanization Policy ( NUP ) is the focal point of the concern activity for tourers sing the province of Kelantan.Thus, indirectly doing the surveies country as a taking concern touristry location in the province of Kelantan as Padang Besar in Perlis Indera Kayangan and Bukit Kayu Hitam in Kedah Darul Aman. Furthermore, through theoretical research carried out, the information obtained will be used as a footing for measuring the boundary line town which impact economically executable with the reaching of tourers to the country. The boundary line town will represents of Kelatan to vie with Padang Besar in Perlis and Kedah Bukit Kayu Hitam, all next to Narathiwat state in southern Thailand will be developed with more vivacious intended to advance tourer reachings thereby bettering the economic position of the local people, the province and the state. 2.2 Definition Definition is an of import thing for a thing easy understood by the reader. Thing defined is: 2.2.1 Comparative Refer to Pearson Education Limited ( 2000 ) , comparative agencies comfort freedom etc. that is reasonably good when measured or judged against something else or against what the state of affairs was earlier. For illustration, After a life-time of poorness, his last few old ages were spent in comparative comfort . Other that, Pearson Education Limited ( 2000 ) defined comparative is a survey etc. that involves comparing something to something else that is similar such as The agent prepared a comparative market analyses. Last, the book besides added comparative is person who is non truly a novice etc. but who seems to be one when compared to other people like Even though we ve lived here five old ages, we re still considered comparative fledglings , Pearson Education Limited ( 2000 ) . 2.2.2 Boundary line A boundary line town is a town or metropolis near to the boundary between two states, provinces or parts. Normally the term implies that it is one of the things the town is most celebrated for. Border towns can hold extremely widely distributed communities, a characteristic they portion with port metropoliss. They can besides be flash points for international struggle ( Wikipedia ) . It besides added, in Malaysia, we have eight boundary line towns where one Malaysia to Singapore and other seven are Malaysia to Thailand. Border town for Malaysia to Singapore is between Johore Bharu / Woodlands and for Malaysia to Thailand are Bukit Kayu Hitam ( Kedah ) / Sadoa, Padang Besar ( Perlis ) / Songkhla, Wang Kelian ( Perlis ) / Satun, Pengkalan Hulu ( Perak ) / Betong, Pengkalan Kubor ( Kelantan ) / Tak Bai, Rantau Panjang ( Kelantan ) / Sungai Golok and Bukit Bunga ( Kelantan ) / Buketa. 2.2.3 Town Refer to Yuen ( 1999 ) , in her book Sustainable Cities In the twenty-first Century , metropolis or town is a strategic type of topographic point for development economic globalisation and cardinal topographic point to the multiple circuits. Harmonizing to Mohamad Sulong ( 1985 ) , a metropolis is a mix between topographic points with dwellers. City is besides defined as a whole of natural elements, societal and semisynthetic those are grouped in one the country s most thickly settled. At the same clip the population has a high cultural accomplishments including diverseness of accomplishments but are unable to bring forth sufficient energy such as bring forthing nutrient. Additionally Sulong Mohamad said, the metropolis can besides be considered an unfastened ecosystem that developed urban civilization through the exchange of stuffs and energy. There are two constituents that are the footing for the formation of urban metropolis inhabitants and the urban environment. Obviously it shows that the metropolis is an ecosystem in which it occurs in three interactions, viz. : Feedback continues to go on in the metropolis between the human, cultural and physical environment. Physical or natural environment may act upon the signifier, map and growing of metropoliss and Urbanization involves alterations to the environment ; However, the metropolis exists through a procedure known as urbanisation and urbanisation that contains the followers: Minimal population of 10,000 people ; Colonies and committed country approved ; Minimum gross denseness of population is 50-60 people per hectare ; 60 % of the population aged 15 old ages and above work. Harmonizing Katiman Rostam ( 1988 ) , urbanisation as a procedure of alteration a colony to the metropolis. This procedure of alteration is normally seen in footings of the constituents consist of the size of population, demographic, economic and cultural development which will alter from the countrified nature into the metropolis. Kingsley Davis ( 1972 ) besides stated the township as a procedure of concentration of population life in the part can be considered urban. It is measured by comparing the per centum of population life in metropoliss with life in rural countries. Urbanization is besides a procedure of building and urban growing. This means that any addition in the urban population is a consequence of internal growing, in-migration and the development of urban infinite itself. Population growing and development in an urban infinite coincide for both types of these developments influence and it is besides influenced by the environment. 2.2.4 Tourism The Consice Oxford Dictionary defines touristry as organised touring , yet this definition poses more inquiries than it answers. One of the first serious efforts to specify touristry was by Professor Hunziker and Krapf of Berne University. They defines touristry as the amount of the phenomena and relationship originating from the travel and stay of non-residents in so far as they do non take to lasting abode and are non connected with any earning activity. Another manner to near the construct of touristry is to analyze the separate elements that the word comprises. Tour means to travel or go through ism denotes a aggregation of thoughts and theories. Using this attack, Leiper ( 1990 ) says that touristry is the set of thoughts, the theories or political orientations for being a tourer and it is the behavior of people in tourers functions when the thoughts are put into pattern. Jafari ( 1977 ) viewed touristry from an academic point of view as a field of survey. He defined touristry as the survey of adult male off from his usual home ground of the industry which responds to his demands and of the impacts that both he and the industry have on the hosts socio economic and physical environment. 2.3 Measuring the Economic Impacts of Tourism Alan Collier ( 1989 ) , mensurating the economic impact of touristry is non easy undertaking due to the fact that it is non frequently regarded or recognised as an industry per Se by states for statistical intents. This is because industries are normally categorised or defined in national histories as a group of manufacturers providing or bring forthing a similar merchandise or service. He besides adds, touristry merchandises and services can cut transverse criterion industry definitions. This means that methods of measuring, other than a state s standard industrial categorization, are needed if the touristry industry s true part to a state s economic system is to be recognised. Refer to The World Travel and Tourism Council ( WWTC ) , produces information on the economic significance of universe touristry besides utilizing Tourism Satellite Accounting. The Tourism Account is based on a demand side construct of economic activity. To implement a demand side attack for touristry, the Satellite Account identifies two major constructs: Travel and Tourism Consumption Travel and Tourism Demand These constructs differentiate between the proficient industry impact ( Travel and Tourism Consumption ) and the broader travel and touristry economy impact ( Travel and Tourism Demand ) . Loosely talking, the industry impacts are identifiable as direct impact while the economy impacts can be identified as the amount of both direct and indirect impacts ( The World Travel and Tourism Council ) . The council besides add, from an industry ( ingestion ) position, travel and touristry green goodss merchandises and services which visitants consume. These include: 2.3.1 Consumer Outgo Consumer Expenditure besides know as Personal Travel and Tourism or Personal Consumption Expenditure ) . These include the personal disbursement by occupants ( domestic touristry ) on services that are usually associated with travel and touristry ( adjustment, transit, amusement, repasts, fiscal services, etc. ) every bit good as goods which are purchased by occupants and used for travel and touristry activities. Consumer outgos are normally the largest constituent of the demand side industry. 2.3.2 Business Travel This includes the outgo of both concern and authorities on concern travel. This outgo mirrors that of personal ingestion ( transit, adjustment, repasts, amusement, etc. ) but is undertaken in the class of concern or authorities work. 2.3.3 Government Expenditures ( single ) This point includes authorities support of sections and bureaus which provide services and / or support to tourers or touristry administrations. Examples include the support of NTOs, runing in-migrations and imposts installations and the disposal of national park and militias, museum, etc. 2.3.4 Visitors Exports Visitors exports are outgos by international visitants on goods and services in a resident economic system. And, from an economy ( demand ) position, travel and touristry green goodss merchandises and services for visitant ingestion ( as discussed ) every bit good as merchandises and services for industry demand, including: 2.3.5 Government Expenditures ( corporate ) Government outgos by bureaus and sections associated with travel and touristry, but made on behalf of the community at big, such as air power disposal, security services, sanitation services, route, etc. 2.3.6 Capital Investment Capital investing by travel and touristry suppliers ( the private sector ) and authorities bureaus ( the populace sector ) to supply installations, equipment and substructure to visitants. 2.3.7 Exports ( non-visitor ) This which include consumer goods sent abroad for ultimate sale to visitants ( such as vesture, electronics or gasolene ) or capital goods sent abroad for usage by industry services suppliers ( such as aircraft or cruise ships ) . 2.4 Tourism Growth and National Economies Harmonizing to Andrian Bull ( 1991 ) , was said holding examined some of the microeconomics related to travel and touristry, and in peculiar the functions of tourers in demand and touristry administrations in supply. In many economic systems, the travel and touristry sector has for clip been recognised as a major country of activity which both draws upon the resources of those economic systems and affects their nature and development. Then he adds, authoritiess have progressively seen tantrum to utilize touristry as a topic or agent of macroeconomics policies. Tourism frequently has a high engagement in policies related to employment degrees or the balance of payments whose significance in modern macroeconomic direction is high. 2.4.1 The National Economy In the book The Economicss of Travel and Tourism, Adrian Bull ( 1991 ) was province that the size and value of a national economic system is usually expressed as the entire value of all goods and services produced by the economic system during a specified clip period such as on twelvemonth. For convenience it calls Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) . The two chief elements of GDP are goods and services produced for ingestion ( C ) , or usage in their ain right and those produced for fixed capital formation or investing ( I ) in capacity to bring forth farther goods and services. This simple definition GDP = C + I assumes that an economic system is closed to foreign trade. As this is an unrealistic premise for about all economic systems, should include the value of all exports ( X ) , but exclude that of all imports ( M ) of goods and services during the chosen clip period. The definition is so improved a small and reads GDP = C + I + X Meter, ( Adrian Bull, 1991 ) . Adrian Bull ( 1991 ) province more, travel and touristry is likely to calculate in all facets of GDP. First, most outgo by tourers would be regarded as ingestion disbursement ( C ) , if it is for domestic touristry or for the place provided elements of an international trip. Second, outgo by concerns on edifice, works equipment and so on to supply touristry services is portion of investing ( I ) , much of which is likely to be authorities outgo particularly on substructure. Third, a tourer who is passing money in a foreign state or going on transit services owned by other states is in a sense importing services. This outgo is a escape from the national economic system. Finally, he said, the rearward state of affairs provides an export when a state can sell its transit or touristry services to international tourers from elsewhere. 2.4.2 Factors Affecting Tourism s Contribution to GDP Variations in touristry s functions in and part to national economic systems in different states are caused by a figure of factors. Some of these are demand side factors ( that is the importance of touristry is partially determined by the strength of domestic and inward demand for local touristry ) , but the ability of a touristry sector to spread out within an economic system to fulfill these demands and make more depends more often on supply side factors. Tourism in this regard is no different from any other sector ( Adrian Bull, 1991 ) . The factors are: The Stock of Resources In traditional economic footings, these include the resources of land, labor, capital and endeavor. Travel and touristry make some particular calls on peculiar resources concerned with land and its properties and the singularity or simple ownership of these properties can finally order whether or non an economic system is likely to be able to back up a touristry sector. De Kadt ( 1979 ) was province, the function and activities of modern touristry nevertheless demand far more than merely land properties. Most touristry involves some component of service which requires a competent and willing labour force. Whilst many occupations in the industry may non necessitate a really high degree of traditional accomplishments or makings the presence or absence of a pool of labor with a positive attitude towards touristry and tourers is of critical importance. Equally, an economic system s willingness and ability to provide the capital investing required for a touristry industry, in the form of substructure, hotels ; transit and so on will act upon the size to which that industry can turn. The State of Technical Knowledge Many less developed states have regarded touristry as an easy industry to develop, because it demands comparatively low engineering compared with many other industries and accomplishments which can be easy mastered. Examples range from the ability to run fleets of big cost efficient aircraft with the associated engineering in reserves and rider handling, through to proficient invention in supplying more interesting all season attractive forces. When proficient progresss are applied to bing inputs of other resources, they enhance the productiveness of the industry concerned and hence its part to GDP. Certainly at that place will ever be a topographic point for low engineering touristry, peculiarly whilst there are market sections which intentionally seek out the simple or natural life ( current manners in ecotourism support this position ) , but dominant civilizations in touristry bring forthing countries will guarantee that returns within touristry sectors will go on to be high where supported by good proficient cognition and applications. Social and Political Stability Adrian Bull ( 1991 ) , was give his sentiment that, non-economic factors, peculiarly cultural and political 1s have long been recognised by economic experts as critical in finding the capableness and growing of sectors in an economic system. Since consuming tourers must travel to the factory to purchase the merchandise, societal and political conditions in that factory will straight act upon the acceptableness of the merchandise and hence the success of the industry. Social and political stableness has been cited as features of the touristry merchandise ( Van Raaji 1986, Woodside and Lysonski 1989 ) , which for many touristry sections straight influence demand. As societal and political conditions may be far more variable in a finish than say the stock of productive resources they are more likely to be responsible for short term fluctuations in the value of the touristry sector. Attitudes and Habits Adrian Bull ( 1991 ) agrees another major non-economic determiner is that of psychosocial values both of providers and devouring tourers. First, the attitudes of a host population towards tourer and in peculiar those of workers within the touristry sector are an of import aspect of the touristry merchandises and their influence is similar in nature to that of societal and political stableness. Second, they said on the demand side, touristry devouring wonts are of import. Burkart and Medlik ( 1981 ) were province two bring forthing markets with similar degrees of income may all things being equal have different leanings to go. This may be a map of cultural and traditional values, attitudes or the quality of clime and physical milieus at place. Investing Economies which possess a good stock of resources available for usage in touristry may hold a head start in developing the sector but the degree of investing or fixed capital formation which an economic system undertakes is progressively of import. Compared with heavy fabrication for illustration, touristry has non traditionally required such significant investing in works and equipment per dollar of end product yet some countries of the industry are going more demanding of fixed capital formation notably rider passenger car, adjustment and substructure ( Adrian Bull, 1991 ) . Adrian Bull attention deficit disorder more, some investing is required to replace worn out capacity such as replacing old aircraft or worn out hotel trappingss. However, an industry which is both to a great extent influenced by manner tendencies and hosts its clients in its factory , must necessarily put in new and expanded installations as portion of its competitory scheme. An economic system s ability and willingness to supply finance for such investing influences touristry s function in that economic system. 2.4.3 Problem in Measuring Tourism s Contribution to GDP In the book The Economicss of Travel and Tourism, Adrian Bull ( 1991 ) , gauging the value to any economic system of any sector is ever a slippery process. Estimating the value of a service sector is possibly even more hard than with goods, owing to the non-tangible nature of merchandises. Tourism is peculiarly hard because of the fuzzed definitions of services included in it. He said once more despite these troubles, most states still try to supply an estimation of the value of touristry for comparative and planning intents. This value will be a drumhead of private commercial minutess openly accounted for. However, it will be unequal to allow an accurate appraisal of the real value of the sector because it will be omit some positive and negative points the most of import of which are: Unpaid Services Unpaid services are those performed for no payment or a payment in sort or reciprocality. If no payment of any sort is made, one can reason that no economic activity has taken topographic point even though the service exists but an economic dealing surely exists for a mutual or barter payment. Non Accounted Services Non accounted services are those which take topographic point and for which payment is received normally in hard currency but are non accounted for usually. This may be to avoid revenue enhancement, rewards ordinances or for simple convenience the overall consequence is sometimes designated the black economic system. Non accounted services are really common in travel and touristry peculiarly in cordial reception, cab drive, and keepsake merchandising and so on where there is frequently much portion clip work, tips and 2nd occupations or moonlighting. Many research workers have attempted to gauge the size of the block economic system but by definition this is about impossible. Fanciful Costss Fanciful costs are those which relate in rule to activity A, but are accounted for within activity B. One illustration in touristry comes from 2nd place ownership. If a vacationist buys a 2nd place which appears merely as a one time and for all belongings purchase that place may be used by holidaies. Owners so pay no recurrent adjustments costs, but may be considered to be paying a notional rent to themselves equal to the commercial rental value of their belongingss. This is portion of the real value of touristry. Public and Private Revenue Distribution Public and private gross distribution concerns the differentiation between sourcing and utilizing grosss earned by the private sector in one country, but spent by the populace sector in another. For illustration, if a authorities levies a tourer revenue enhancement and uses this gross in outgo on agricultural support, it must be decided whether touristry includes the gross value cyberspace of revenue enhancement with the revenue enhancement being included under agribusiness. Otherwise there would be dual numeration. Balance of Payments Anomalies Balance of payments anomalousnesss in countries such as touristry investing repatriation of net incomes and foreign exchange values of touristry grosss expressed in drifting currencies, cause measuring jobs. Social Costss and Benefits Social costs and benefits are the differences between the value of private commercial minutess and their value to an economic system or society as a whole including 3rd parties. Travel and touristry brings benefits but imposes costs on 3rd parties in many ways in such a manner that the societal net merchandise of the sector may be rather different from the private net merchandise. It has been suggested ( Samuelson 1989 ) that this can be accounted for throughout an economic system by utilizing the Nordhaus Tobin step of Net Economic Welfare for an economic system instead than GDP. Social costs and public assistance ensuing from touristry are having increased attending from economic experts ( Clarke and Ng 1993 ) . Public Goods Public goods are in a sense portion and package of societal benefits. Governments are progressively cognizant of the value to society of for illustration, national park, outstanding scenery or heritage edifice for which no tourer entryway monetary value has hitherto been charged. The existent value of touristry might include the fanciful monetary values that users may be willing to pay multiplied by the figure of users. 2.5 Methods of Measurement Tourism analysts have identified four chief basic measuring methods ( Frechtling 1987a ) : Direct Observation of Outgo Ideally, to follow tourers everyplace and enter their outgo would supply an accurate record of a ingestion attack to GDP part. This is obviously impossible and would even be hard to carry through for a sample of tourers whose consequences could so be multiplied by entire tourer Numberss. The lone executable alternate prevarications in acquiring a sample of tourers to diarise their ain outgo. Direct Observation/Census of Receipts A direct income attack to rating consequences from aggregating all gross revenues grosss figures from touristry endeavor. This information may come from authorities trade ministry nose count returns or revenue enhancement returns instead than from direct point of sale observation. Analysts have noted that whilst touristry gross revenues values by travel concerns or bearers are moderately accurate values from amusement, diversion, lodging and similar concerns are less so merely because many providers can non separate to the full between gross revenues to tourers and gross revenues to non-tourists. Surveies of Tourists En path or in finish sample studies of tourers are used widely in touristry value analysis. They can be reasonably dependable except for callback prejudice, and unrealized purposes ( in a study carried out when a tourer stay in unfinished ) . For those go throughing through entry or issue points to a finish, gate methods are available that is entry or issue studies. These are popular for usage with international tourers at issue ports. Another job is that to multiply outgo by tourers Numberss is easy plenty for international tourers where in-migration record are held but house servants tourers Numberss are often no better than a guesstimate . Household Surveys It is possible to gauge touristry outgo at the bring forthing point by family studies in which general family outgo can be disaggregated and touristry disbursement isolated. Coupled with an analysis of concern travel disbursals from revenue enhancement returns these can supply a moderately dependable image of touristry coevals outgo. In pattern many analysts combine the above methods and may farther construct them into simulation theoretical accounts of assorted sorts. For illustration, a known dislocation of touristry and non-tourism disbursement in a travel sector can be applied to gauge the touristry constituent of outgo in a housing sector or one can multiply known procedure of tourer merchandises by estimated visitant figure. Most such theoretical accounts are an aggregate theoretical account that is ; they build up a entire value for travel and touristry from single sector or local country outgo. Bank Returns In some fortunes other methods of touristry value measuring are available. In economic systems whose foreign exchange controls are tight and where incoming international tourers must pass in the local currency ( presuming import and export of that currency is non permitted ) , the entire value of personal foreign currency exchanges reported by Bankss frequently provides an estimation of foreign tourers disbursement. 2.6 Forecasting the Value of Tourism Refer to Adrian Bull ( 1991 ) , in order to supply for policy and planning, many authoritiess and other establishments attempt to calculate facets of touristry activity. In the context of GDP, the most of import prognosiss are those of touristry demand ( in Numberss of tourers domestic, inbound and outbound ) and touristry outgo either in absolute footings or relation to the remainder of GDP. The variables are normally: Number of tourers Entire outgo or per capita outgo Tourism market portions The touristry sector portion of GDP 2.7 State of Kelantan Structure Plan Structure Plan is a papers that contains the physical planning policy and strategic recommendations with regard to the province of development and usage of land. It is provided by the Director of the State Planning so approved by the State Planning and must be agreed to by the State. State Structure Plan was gazette by NO.1 Vol 62 on January 1, 2009. It s called KELANTAN STRUCTURE PLAN 2020. Policies outlined State Structure Plan ; 2003-2020 will be the footing of the cardinal mention in the planning and development of the touristry sector Pasir Mas territory. Even the appropriate policies are translated into programs, plans and development undertakings in the study findings and farther detailed in the Draft Local Plan. Give the resulting policy is the policy of the province, so it will be adjusted harmonizing to the involvements and demands of touristry development in Pasir Mas territory graduated table. Two constituents, viz. policy specific policies and policy topics as follows: DSaÃâ ?PLl: Lima ( 5 ) zon pelancongan dengan niche produk masingaÃâ ?masing akan dibangunkan bagi memperkukuhkan lagi daya tarikan pelancongan negeri Kelantan secara keseluruhannya DSaÃâ ?PL2: Pembangunan empat hirarki nodusaÃâ ?nodus perkhidmatan pelancongan bagi mempertingkatkan kualiti dan kuantiti penyediaan kemudahan pelancongan, infrastruktur dan informasi. DSaÃâ ?PL3: Pemeliharaan alam semula jadi perlu diutamakan melalui pembangunan eko pelancongan dan geo pelancongan yang mampan, khususnya bagi kawasan sensitif alam sekitar agar kualiti persekitaran sedia adenosine deaminase tidak terjejas secara kritikal. DSaÃâ ?PL4: Memperbaiki dan mempertingkatkan taraf kemudahan sokongan pelancongan sedia adenosine deaminase bagi mencapai kualiti perkhidmatan dan produk yang bertaraf antarabangsa untuk menarik ketibaan pelancongan yang lebih ramai DSaÃâ ?PL5: Pemantauan dan pengawalan kualiti perkhidmatan dan produk pelancongan perlu dijalankan secara berkala dan berterusan untuk menghasilkan tahap keselesaan dan kepuasan pelancongan yang memuaskan di samping mewujudkan tarikan yang value for money . DSaÃâ ?PL6: Mempertingkatkan usaha pemasaran dan promosi yang disasarkan kepada dua segmen utama iaitu pelancongan antarabangsa dan domestik berdasarkan produkaÃâ ?produk pelancongan yang spesifik. DSaÃâ ?PL7: Menyelaraskan plan pembangunan, promosi dan pemasaran produk pelancongan bagi mewujudkan suatu plan kempen pemasaran yang menyeluruh, mantap, telus, konstan dan berdaya saing. DSaÃâ ?PL8: Mempertingkatkan tahap kesampaian parity pelawat ke kawasan tarikan dengan penyediaan sistem rangkaian pengangkutan yang lebih efektif, efisien dan selamat. DSaÃâ ?PL9: Memastikan agar pembangunan pelancongan akan memberikan pulangan ekonomi kfpada penduduk setempat di samping mengambil kira nilai sosial dan kebudayaan masyarakat tempatan. DSaÃâ ?PL10: Pembangunan industri hasil kraftangan tempatan perlu diintergrasikan untuk meningkatkan position kraftangan Kelantan, di samping memberikan pulangan ekonomi kepada penduduk setempat. DKaÃâ ?PL1: Membangunkan produk tinggal bersama keluarga di kampungaÃâ ?kampung terpilih sebagai perintis projek di dalam usaha untuk mempertlngkatkan taraf ekonomi penduduk tempatan. serta memperkenalkan kampung tersebut sebagai satu destinasi pelancongan utama. DKaÃâ ?PLl: Membangunkan produk geo pelancongan yang Akan menjadi suatu tarikan pelancongan alternatif yang unik bagi menarik pelancong antarabangsa dan tempatan pada Masa hadapan. 2.8 Local Plan 2.8.1 Rantau Panjang 2.8.2 Pengkalan Kubor 2.8.3 Bukit Bunga 2.9 Decision
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